We require an electronic consent form to be completed prior to your appointment for all new clients. Please be advised that our consent forms require more thorough information from you to ensure we are able to provide you with an elevated experience. No consent form is needed for hair sparkles, but you must be at least 12 or older to receive this service.

Cosmetic tattoo appointment requests will not be approved until we receive your form submission. Make sure you have already scheduled PART 2 with the same artist, 1-2 months prior to arriving to your initial session.  Please read our policies below to ensure you understand when to schedule Part 2, as well as our protocols & expectations regarding your service. And please send us photos of any pre-existing work for approval prior to booking with us


Clients that are new to Boulder Brows are required to select the standard full-price initial session.  Even if you have pre-existing work from another artist that you are looking to have touched-up/refreshed, you are still new to us and must schedule as a new client.  Boulder Brows does specialize in corrective work and requires those potential clients to send us photos of your existing work via email prior to scheduling.  Our master artist will review these photos and determines eligibility on a case by case basis.  We may need to see you in person if we cannot assess the existing work over email. If the existing work is too dark and saturated, removal may be recommended to lighten it prior to booking a cosmetic tattoo appointment with us.   


After selecting the day, SCROLL DOWN↓ to select an appointment time. If no dates are visible, that means we are fully booked until we open our next month of appointments.. We do get last minute openings, so you can always add yourself to our Waitlist where you will be automatically notified as soon as a spot opens up!


Immediately after submitting a request for an appointment, you should receive an email/text receipt.  If you do not receive a receipt notification, your request for an appointment did not successfully go through.  Please submit your request again.  All appointment requests are submitted to Boulder Brows for review before approval.  Once your appointment has been confirmed, you will receive another email/text notification confirming the appointment.  

You will receive an email notification 3 days prior to your scheduled appointment as well as a text message reminder the day of your appointment.  Please review your appointment details to ensure you’ve planned accordingly for the correct date/time. 


Please be advised that we are an incredibly busy facility and rely heavily on our clients following our policies precisely and scheduling their appointments in a timely manner.  This is a medical procedure that requires following a strict pre and post appointment protocol.  And follow-ups have to be scheduled within 5-8 weeks of your last session for optimal results.  Many of our artists are booked out 3+ months in advance, so please be mindful of this by scheduling your initial session, as well as your follow-up, ahead of time.  You MUST log back onto our website a month after booking your initial session to book your second session on time. Please be aware that we may not be the best fit for every client.  So please take the time to read the information provided thoroughly when deciding if Boulder Brows is the right fit for you.

CONSENT FORM: We require all new cosmetic tattoo clients to complete our consent form prior to booking. New client appointment requests will not be confirmed until we receive and review your form submission.

SCHEDULING: Our cosmetic tattoo artists open their next available month’s appointments to new clients on the first day of every month at noon. Pricing varies depending on the artist. Please check out our Service Page for more pricing information. We also understand that our deposits are significant for these services. This is because of the amount of time we have dedicated to serving these clients. We are here everyday to serve you. So we want to ensure that clients arrive prepared for our cosmetic tattoo services. The deposit is there to ensure that you have done your research and are committed and ready to receive this service. By scheduling an appointment with us, you are agreeing to this policy.

MULTIPLE TATTOO SERVICES  may not be combined in a single session.  If you wish to schedule more than one service with us, you'll need to book them on separate days.  Liner/Lash Enhancements must either be scheduled prior to any Cosmetic Eyebrow Tattoo/Follow-Up sessions with us, or at least 2 weeks after, as we are unable to perform any Liner services while your brows are still healing.  Please schedule accordingly.

PRE-APPOINTMENT PROTOCOL:  NO CAFFEINE or alcohol 24 hours prior to your appointment - that means no morning coffee!  No fish oil, magnesium, anticoagulants or blood thinning drugs 4 days prior to your appointment.  Do not receive any injections, or advanced exfoliation services 2 weeks prior (and 4 weeks after) your appointment. This includes botox/filler, laser treatments, chemical peels, microdermabrasion, etc. This information is not only required for you to read prior to booking your initial session, but it’s also provided to you in every communication and confirmation text/email you receive from us. Your appointment will be rescheduled for failure to follow the pre-appointment preparation protocol, and your deposit will be forfeited.  

PART 2/TOUCHUPS:  Part 2 is included in the total cosmetic eyebrow tattoo cost and must be scheduled with the same artist.  If you have no intention of coming back for your follow-up session, then we do not recommend booking the initial session - it's a two-part process.  Due to limited availability, you cannot wait to schedule your followup appointment until you come for Part 1.  It must be scheduled 2 months ahead of time. Otherwise, you will be outside of our 8 week window and will be assessed a higher price.  Please be advised that if you have to cancel Part 2 or a touchup for any reason, you may be assessed a higher price if you are unable to secure a new appointment within 8 weeks of your initial session.  We cannot guarantee availability if you need to reschedule, but will do our best to accommodate you in a timely manner. The Part 2 Session is a "perfecting" appointment, designed to make any adjustments needed from the first session.  It is not included in the original pricing if it is scheduled outside of the 8-week window, as this is now considered a Refresh. Late/same-day cancellations or no-shows for Part 2 sessions and/or Additional Touchups will result in a $100 fee.

BREAKING PROTOCOL OR POLICIES:  Please note that it is the client's responsibility to educate themselves (before booking) on the procedure being requested and understand any and all prep/aftercare/downtime for that procedure (please see our FAQ & AFTERCARE pages).  Arriving to your scheduled appointment late or deciding to reschedule will result in losing your deposit.  So we ask that you please do your research prior to booking - we are happy to answer any questions you have!  If you are unable to follow ALL of our cosmetic tattoo pre-appointment protocol requirements, then we cannot perform the service.  We understand that it's tough and often hard to remember to give up your coffee the morning of your procedure.  However, IT IS MANDATORY and equally as important as all of our other requirements.  This is a medical procedure, and our protocol is there to ensure that your skin is in an optimal state to take the pigment and heal beautifully.  Beautiful results cannot be achieved if you arrive in a compromised state, and it will ultimately cost you more time and money having to book more sessions to get the results you want.  If we learn that you have failed to follow any part of your pre-procedure protocol, you will be rescheduled and you will lose your deposit.  We send you numerous texts/emails with this information to ensure you're successful in arriving completely ready the day of your appointment - so please take the time to read them.

PRONE TO COLD SORES? Clients with a history of cold sores or fever blisters should be aware that we are unable to perform ANY cosmetic tattoo services if you have an active sore or outbreak the day of your appointment. If you are prone to frequent outbreaks, we recommend consulting your PCP to determine if Valtrex is needed to manage a potential outbreak during and after your sessions with us. If you have a cold sore the week prior to your session, or if you wake up the morning of your appointment with a new sore, please contact us immediately via email to reschedule. You will not be charged, as this is an unforeseeable extenuating circumstance.

REFUNDS:  Boulder Brows does not offer refunds on services rendered, and deposits are non-refundable. Please be aware that results can vary, as every client is different. We take great care in explaining our processes thoroughly, making sure every client has realistic expectations going into every appointment. So please note that starting any of our Cosmetic Tattoo or Removal Processes is indeed a process, requiring more than 1 session. Starting the process and deciding that you do not wish to continue will not result in a refund for any of the services you have received. If it is the decision of Boulder Brows to discontinue further services with any client, no refunds will be issued regardless of the receipt of Part 2 or any additional touchups. Part 2 is included in the total cost of the procedure, however it is not guaranteed. You agree to this policy when you schedule with us.

UNHAPPY WITH YOUR RESULTS? Here at Boulder Brows, we take pride in the services that we do and want above all else for our clients to have the best experience and leave with beautiful results. While results are not guaranteed, we still want to be sure you’re happy with the outcome of your cosmetic tattoo procedure. Please email us if you have any concerns, and we’ll do our best to make it right.

SERVICE ANIMALS: Service animals are the only animals permitted in the shop - please let us know when booking if we should expect a furry companion to be accompanying you. Any other animals present in the shop violates Boulder County Public Health code and will not be permitted.